A Solution To Prevent Climate Change In Your Own Little Way
Applicable to Residential and Light Commercial

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- Act ethically and responsibly.
- Support the needs of communities, our investors, governments, and our employees.
Home Energy Upgrades (2019)
To be eligible up to $5,000 Enbridge incentive, you must complete at least 2 of the following upgrades and heat your home with a natural gas furnace or boiler. Speak with your energy advisor to learn about meeting this savings metric. See all the electric incentives here.
Customers who complete more than two upgrades also qualify for a $250 bonus for each additional upgrade installed—up to a maximum of $5,000.
Your registered energy advisor will walk you through all the rebates your home is eligible for and explain how to get the $250 bonus.
Enbridge Incentive – $750
For replacing
- with a natural gas furnace that is less than 95% efficiency with a 95% AFUE or higher natural gas furnace
- with a natural gas boiler that is less than 90% efficiency with a 90% or higher AFUE ENERGYSTAR® condensing natural gas boiler
Note: The combi system qualifies as a boiler and is eligible for the rebate. Boiler that generates space heating and domestic hot water (includes AFUE rating). Maximum one eligible heating system rebate per meter. Your home’s primary heating source must be natural gas.
Enbridge Incentive – $150
Achieve 10% or more above base target
Enbridge Incentive – $100
Achieve base target
For most homes, one of the most significant reason for heat loss is air leakage. Sealing the air leaks can help your home reduce heat loss and decrease the energy cost at the same time.
Enbridge Incentive – $200
- Replace water heater with 0.80 EF or higher tanked natural gas or propane water heater.
- Replace water heater with 0.90 EF or higher tankless natural gas or propane water heater
Note: The combo system qualifies as a water heater and is eligible for the rebate.
Maximum one water heater rebate per home. Switching to/from electric water heater does not qualify for the rebate. Water heater rebates are not available for electrically heated homes.
Enbridge Incentive – $500
For Increasing attic insulation to at least R60 from R35 or less
For Increasing cathedral/flat roof insulation by at least R14
Insulate a minimum of 20 per cent of the total ceiling area. When the roof consists of more than one type and/or sections (i.e., any combination of attic, cathedral ceiling and flat roof), rebates are pro-rated based on the total ceiling area percentages upgraded. The rebate for any combination of attic, cathedral ceiling and flat roof cannot exceed $500.
Enbridge Incentive – $1,000
Add at least R23 to 100% of basement
Enbridge Incentive – $500
Add at least R12 to 100% of basement
Enbridge Incentive – $800
Add at least R23 to 100% of crawl space wall
Enbridge Incentive – $400
Add at least R10 to 100% of crawl space wall
Enbridge Incentive – $450
Add at least R24 to 100% of floor above crawl space
**Can qualify for either crawl space wall or floor above crawl space rebate.
Enbridge Incentive – $1,000
Add at least R3.8 to 100% of building to achieve a minimum of R12
Enbridge Incentive – $1,500
Add at least R9 to 100% of building to achieve a minimum of R12
Enbridge Incentive – $2,000
Add at least R20 to 100% of building
Better insulation helps to keep heat in during the winter and out during the summer, providing more comfort and lower energy bills
Enbridge Incentive – $40
For each window, door or skylight replaced with ENERGY STAR® Zone 2 or 3 qualified model.
Better windows help to prevent costly drafts and condensation. They also allow for solar gains, which heat your home, and solar shading, which helps cool your home
$40 rebate per rough opening. Bay window considered one rough opening.
Rebates (2019)
Get up to $5,000 back for making your home more comfortable.
Click here to know more.
Heating system
Water heater
Air source heat pump
Central air conditioner
- You own a detached, semi-detached, townhouse, or mobile home.
- It’s heated by natural gas, oil, propane, electricity, or wood.
- It’s located in the Union Gas program area.
- You must complete an energy assessment both before and after renovations.
- You must complete at least two eligible renovations.
Enbridge Existing Retrofit and Energy Saving Upgrades Options